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No Receptionist? Visitor Management Systems Watch Your Door for You

Discover how visitor management systems enhance security and efficiency, watching your front door without a receptionist.

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Particularly in the past ten years, companies far and wide have been looking for ways to better automate their visitor management processes, and at a more fundamental level, a financial goal of most companies is to save money in their daily operations. This is why visitor management kiosks are popping up all over the place- making them a great asset in industrial visitor management. Visitor management check-in kiosks, like the one offered by Transmission, can improve the overall visitor management process, while saving businesses money and increasing their employees’ productivity. According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, employees are interrupted approximately every three minutes and five seconds, and it can take some employees up to 23 minutes to regain focus following an interruption. Transmission check-in kiosks, coupled with our advanced visitor management systems, are the best way to cut down and automate your current (and often laborious) visitor management processes. Continue reading to find out how Transmission can watch your front door for you.

Reduce Labor Costs with a Check-in Kiosk

There are often a multitude of unknown costs incurred just from operating a typical lobby and its associated check-in processes. Orientation is one of these processes that can be very expensive for businesses, and when all is said and done, can end up being a significant waste of company resources. Having a staff member responsible for conducting visitor orientations throughout the day can occupy a large chunk of that employee’s time, and this time is spent essentially completing the same redundant tasks over and over again. When looking at the math, if 8, 10-minute orientations are done a day, that can add up to approximately 30 hours a month. This is something that can be completely and entirely automated by the Transmission visitor management system. Depending on what employees are paid, this almost always outweighs the cost of the Transmission subscription, even if a business has very few visitors. Having a full-time receptionist is a huge expense, especially when that employee could be more useful in filling another position within the facility, or even just allocating their time to more productive tasks. Many employers do not realize how expensive their check-in processes can really be.

By using Transmission’s innovative pre-registration functionality, potential visitors can be sent videos and/or surveys before their anticipated arrival, which is yet another way that the visitor check-in process can be accelerated using a visitor management system. Automating the check-in process can be very cost-efficient, and can also mitigate overcrowding in the lobby of facilities that receive a substantial number of guest. The check-in kiosk gathers visitor names, prints them a badge, records their check-in and check-out times, and notifies the host upon the visitor’s arrival. Lastly, Transmission entirely eliminates monotonous recordkeeping of logbooks or sign-in sheets. Time is money, and any time spent sifting through paper records is enormously wasteful when compared to easily searching a cloud-based database. Transmission kiosks will digitize your sign-in sheets, visitor NDAs, and visitor screening information.

Improve Lobby Security

Effective security measures and practices can result in significant expenditures for the modern lobby. Still, the safety of your staff is of utmost importance, so it is important to know who is entering and exiting your facility on a daily basis. Visitor management systems, paired with check-in kiosks, can provide an extra layer of defense for administrators intent on maintaining a safer. When a guest arrives, ideally, they need to check in and check out. Transmission kiosks have such advanced visitor management systems that they are able to sense if a visitor has overstayed their expected length of time for their visit, and can send them a text message to ask if they are still in the facility. Even if they forgot to check out of the kiosk on their way out, they can do so easily from their mobile device. 

Transmission kiosks can also eliminate the awkward situation in which it is necessary to reject unwanted visitors. The kiosks have an automatic dismissal feature (that is both professional, and polite) and will prevent a receptionist from having to have a potentially confrontational conversation. The kiosk can be easily configured by Transmission support to dismiss certain types of visitors entirely. For instance, if a solicitor attempts to check in, a professional message will be displayed letting them know that the facility is not accepting walk-in visitors at this time, and will encourage them to schedule an appointment instead. It is even possible to set up health screenings and/or quizzes on safety policies for scheduled visitors to take, and if they are unable to pass, the kiosk politely notifies them that they will need to reschedule for a later date. Transmission's “blacklist” feature will allow facilities to keep track of and automatically reject visitors who are not welcome on the premises. If a blacklisted visitor tries to check in, Transmission will discreetly and politely deny them entry into the facility, adding an additional layer of security to staff. Transmission visitor management kiosks also provide peace of mind knowing that your data is secure, helping to meet various compliance standards. Visitor records, employee information, and other private information is also kept secure from visitors. Our cutting-edge system encrypts all data sent between the kiosk and the Transmission servers, and only allows authorized personnel access to your visitor data. 

Track Visitors at All Times

It is important to be able to track the visitors coming and going within facilities in order to satisfy regulatory requirements. Knowing who was there, when they were there, and what they acknowledged upon entry helps facilities stay in compliance. Transmission creates a visitor profile for each visitor, and logs a detailed time and date and any other pertinent information pertaining to the visit that was presented to them at time of check in inside the Transmission visitor management system. Likewise, how a visitor checked out is also documented and attached to the visitor profile, so it will be recorded if they checked out via kiosk, via text, or if they were manually checked out by an employee. Transmission enables custom triggers so that notifications can be sent out to necessary employees (or even entire departments) if certain types of visitors arrive, or if visitors fail necessary screenings. Not maintaining records related to visitors’ acknowledgments can land your facility in legal trouble, which is why Transmission was built from the ground up to collect and safeguard all of this information. 

With Transmission, you won’t find anyone more passionate about providing a visitor management system that fits the specific needs of manufacturing facilities. Whether your visitors are contractors, delivery drivers, vendors, or job applicants, all receive the precise amount of information needed to check in, and all receive a perfectly seamless experience. We pride ourselves on our real, authentic relationships with our clients, and work with them daily to provide customized solutions, specific for their needs. Our goal is to never stop evolving, and to never stop finding better and more efficient ways to offer safe, quick, and professional experiences for all of your visitors.

We offer a 100% turnkey solution that provides a platform tailored specifically to the manufacturing industry. Transmission provides the following features, right at your fingertips: 

  • - Visitor Orientation Videos
  • - Custom Kiosk Branding
  • - Customizable Visitor Types
  • - Availability to Quiz Your Visitors
  • - Visitor Reporting
  • - Notifications & Alerts
  • - Pre-Registration
  • - Automatic Dismissal
  • - Secure Platform
  • - Ultimate User Control

The Transmission Platform offers a solution created for manufacturing, made for every type of visitor. Our experts work to constantly improve the software as the needs of the industry evolve. We would love to help streamline your manufacturing visitor check-in process. 

Connect with Transmission to learn more about how we can save money for your company and simplify your visitor management process. Book a Demo

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