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Visitor Kiosk

8 Reasons to Automate Visitor Management

Automating visitor management enhances privacy, safety, and security. Find out why you should automate your facility's visitor management process.

Visitor management is now easier than ever to automate. Systems such as Transmission can offer many great features aimed toward streamlining the entire visitor process. When a visitor checks in, you may serve them with consistent orientations backed by the power of video. Transmission keeps track of the time and date they check-in, agreements signed, quizzes and forms filled out, and more. There is a notification system in place capable of informing a visitor's host as soon as they check in. Automating the visitor management process at your facility can lead to many benefits for employees and visitors alike.

Why Should a Facility Automate Visitor Management?

Showing how paper visitor logs can create privacy issues as a cell phone can quickly take a photo of the list.


If your lobby is using a phone list or logbook, you’re leaving a lot of personal information exposed. Most employee privacy laws fall under the Privacy Act of 1974, but technology has come a long way since then. If you have a phone list hanging on the wall in your lobby displaying full names, departments, or job titles and cell numbers, it could be jeopardizing their safety, well-being, and privacy. 

Visitors signing in on a log book are leaving all their personal information for the visitor behind them to view, including full name, citizenship, cell numbers, company, and host. Not only is this unprofessional, but it also leaves you vulnerable to competitors and could unknowingly expose proprietary company information such as vendors and customers. 

If your lobby is accessible to the general public and does not have a person managing it, that information could easily fall into the wrong hands. It takes only a moment to snap a photo with a cell phone.  Even worse, most log books have multiple pages with months, if not years, of historical visits. Huge consequences potentially loom for your business if the logbook is stolen or misplaced.

Transmission collects relevant information on a kiosk and stores that data in a secure cloud-based system that isn’t visible to anyone but your administrators. Finally, your receptionist will never have to worry about filing and organizing visitor information ever again. Plus, visitors to your facility can’t “shop” employee names and titles.  


Your company and multiple state and federal regulations work hard to keep employees safe, but untrained visitors could put themselves, your employees, and your company at risk. These policies and procedures are significant, so the visitor must acknowledge them. If you’re using brochures, PowerPoints, or verbal explanations, you’re leaving room for liability. 

Transmission serves a custom video to each visitor that includes the information relevant to their purpose for visiting. Outlining safety requirements and policies before a visitor sets foot inside your facility establishes PPE requirements, defines the areas the visitor is permitted to be in, and details the expectations and requirements of visitors.


Between health concerns, rejected job applicants, and unwanted or unscheduled visitors, asking an employee to be a gatekeeper could leave them vulnerable. Any time employees open secured doors to unknown visitors, a risk is created. Suppose your state or municipality requires health or vaccination screenings, and you’re asking an employee to conduct them. In that case, they are risking exposure…which is exactly what the process was designed to eliminate. When confrontation of any sort can be avoided, the less risk your employees face. 

Transmission identifies, photographs, and screens your visitors before putting an employee in contact with them.  Knowing who is in the lobby before sending an employee to meet them provides a layer of protection. Domestic situations, solicitors, unwanted visitors, or visitors who fail health screenings can be professionally and politely dismissed without having to interact face-to-face with your employees. Trigger notifications can be set up to alert multiple people or departments about specific events occurring in the lobby, even if the visitor isn’t checking in. If an unwanted visitor attempts to check in, Transmission will quietly and politely deny them entry, increasing the security of your facility and ensuring that your staff can avoid dealing with the situation entirely.


Employees are humans, and humans make mistakes. Every employee delivers visitor info differently, could unintentionally miss a section, explain or imply a policy incorrectly, make unapproved exceptions, misplace a signed document, or forgo the entire process if they are running late or untrained. Misplaced computer passwords, master copies of documents, or even employee vacations and turnover can wreak havoc in the reception area. If you can’t say with 100% certainty that every visitor is receiving proper safety instructions prior to entering your facility, then you need to reconsider the risk…  

Transmission delivers your company policies and procedures relevant to the visitor each and every time. Returning visitors who have up-to-date documentation and training receive expedited check-ins.  When it’s time to reserve those documents and training, Transmission does it for you based on your company policy.

Person checking their phone as they receive a notification.


Assuming your visitors can navigate your internal phone system or make them responsible for hunting down their host is a waste of time. Doorbells with dead batteries, unmonitored cameras, or a “sign in and sit down” make visitors feel like nuisances.  

In a world where competition is high for employees, job applicants could end up leaving your facility without ever having applied due to confusion. 

Transmission sends the host and any other relevant staff a text or email notifying them of relevant visitors or events occurring in the lobby. Use an endless number of custom triggers to tell Transmission the precise circumstances when a notification needs to go out, and to whom those notifications need to go. Visitors select their preferred language on the kiosk so the information they receive is understood. 

Pro Tip: Transmission has a fully functional built-in mass text feature that allows you to text blast your staff. Read more here! 

Young professional standing with backpack.


Imagine the EVP of your company crawling through a bush to knock on your office window because no one acknowledged the unexpected corporate visitors waiting in the lobby. (True story a client told us.)  First impressions matter…whether it be client, contractor, job applicant, or regulatory authority. 

Start the visit off on the right foot. Transmission eliminates the confusion a visitor can experience by politely and discreetly dismissing the visitors you don’t want, welcoming the visitors you do want, and communicating the details seamlessly to the host, other staff if necessary, and your visitor. By using Transmission, you can rest assured that every visitor is going to be treated exactly as you want them to be treated every single time.  


Many manufacturing certifications require specific visitor information to be collected, retained, and auditable. Many states and municipalities require contact tracing should an ill visitor have been in your facility.  If you’re using paper documentation, you may find yourself in an audit or legal situation where you can’t produce the information you were required to collect.  This task becomes extremely difficult when reception and orientation are no one’s primary job.

Transmission collects all required signatures, forms, screenings, and consent forms prior to admitting a visitor. All that data logs to a visitor profile that’s retrievable at any time, searchable by any parameters, and exportable. Details matter, so Transmission logs the exact video the visitor watched, documents signed, and forms completed and archives that version, even if it’s updated or deleted. Never file another document, but have all of them in one place.


Did you know that– by shifting your visitor check-in and orientation process to Transmission– you can save thousands of dollars each year in lost employee time? Give the receptionist different responsibilities. Liberate them from the constant distraction of filling out, explaining check-in paperwork to your guests, and tracking down hosts. Allow them to make the visitor feel welcomed without constantly being sidetracked from their work throughout the day.‍

Are DoorDash deliveries making the lobby a congregation point before lunch? The kiosk can text an employee when something has been left in the lobby for them…eliminating the need for them to stand watch. 

Speaking of efficiency, we’ll make your videos and set up your kiosk for you! Onboarding is included free of charge. 

Looking to automate your visitor management process? Transmission has you covered!

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